To learn Ayurveda, know about the avatarana of Ayurveda is a must. Here in this post Ayuraushadha going to share about the avatarana of Ayurveda…
The Origin Of Ayurveda
Posted in Itihasa
Portal for Learning Ayurveda
Posted in Itihasa
To learn Ayurveda, know about the avatarana of Ayurveda is a must. Here in this post Ayuraushadha going to share about the avatarana of Ayurveda…
Posted in Introduction, and Itihasa
Ayurveda is an Indian science of medicine. In samhita of Ayurveda mentioned that: Ayuhu vedayati iti ayurvedaha. The meaning is “The science that tells us about Ayu is known as Ayurveda.” What is ayu? Ayu is…