In Ayurveda human body is considered as microcosm and universe as macrocosm. The elements that constitute the universe also present in human body or microcosm. Universe is formed by the energy of 5 great elements that are earth, water, fire, air and ether. In Ayurveda terminology they are called as Panca Mahabhuta. They are Prthivi (earth), Jala (water), Teja (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasha (ether).
The Panca Mahabhuta also present in human body. The five elements of Panca Mahabhuta form the three energies in human body which is called as Tridosha (three body humor), they are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is formed by the combination of vayu and akasha, pitta is formed by the combination of agni and jala and kapha is formed by the combination of prthivi and jala.
Tridosha not only present in human body, but present in the universe too. In Astanga hridaya mentioned that the tridosha—vata, pitta and kapha—will destroy the body when they are vitiated and will maintain the body when they are in balance state.
Said that the tridosha is present in all over the body, but they have their main site. The site of vata dosha are below the navel to the foot, the site of pitta dosha in between navel and epigastrium, further the site of kapha site is above the epigastrium to the head.
Further said that vata, pitta and kapha dosha present in the end, middle and beginning of life, day, night and digestion.
Here are the explanations:
About life, the age considered are child, adult and old. During the child time is considered as kapha stage, during the adult time is considered as pitta stage and during the old time is considered as vata stage.
About the day, in the morning is considered as kapha time, in the afternoon is considered as pitta time and in the evening is considered as vata time.
About the night, in the beginning of night is considered as kapha time, in the middle of night is considered as pitta time and in the late night is considered as vata time.
About the digestion, when the digestion happen in the stomach is considered as kapha time, when the digestion in the small intestine is considered as pitta time and when the digestion in the large intestine is considered as vata time.
Vata, pitta and kapha respectively has its own properties, which will be explained below.
Vata is formed from the combination of vayu (air) and akasha (ether). So, the properties of air and ether presents in the vata dosha.
According to Astanga Hrudaya the properties of vata are ruksha (dry), laghu (light in weight), sita (cold), khara (rough), suksma (small) and cala (movement).
Pitta is formed from the combination of agni (fire) and jala (water). So, the properties of fire and water present in the pitta dosha.
According to Astanga Hrudaya the properties of pitta are sasneha (unctuous), tikshna (sharp), ushna (hot), laghu (light in weight), vishra (bad smell), sara (flow) and drava (liquid).
Kapha is formed from the combination of prthivi (earth) and jala (water). So, the properties of earth and water present in the kapha dosha.
According to Astanga Hrudaya, the properties of kapha are snigdha (greasy), sita (cold), guru (heavy), manda (slow), slaksha (soft), mritsna (smooth) and sthira (stable).