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Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis): Definition, Properties and Usage

Posted in Herbal

Amalaki is called as Indian gooshberry. It is one of the Triphala, commonly used in the preparation of Ayurveda formulation. It is most used Ayurvedic ingredients. It is both used as food and as medicine. The Amalaki name itself from the word amla which mean sour. Amalaki fruit having sour taste, as the predominant taste. 

Sanskrit Name

The sanskrit name is Amalaki and Amalaka.

Botanical Name and Synomyms

The botanical name is Emblica officinalis.

The other name or synonyms are:

  • Phyllanthus emblica L.
  • Cicca emblica L.
  • Diasperus emblica L.
  • Dichelactina nodicaulis Hance
  • Emblica arborea Raf.
  • Phyllanthus glomeratus Roxb.
  • Phyllanthus mairei
  • Phyllanthus mimosifolius Salisb.
  • Plyllanthus taxifolius D.Don


This plant under the family Phyllanthaceae.

Vernacular Name

There are various name for this plant according to the place. Here are some vernacular names of Amalaki.

EnglishIndian gooshberry
HindiAmla, awla, anwla, Ambala, Amblika
KannadaNelli, Nellikai
TamilNellikkai, Perunelli, Nellikkae
BengaliAamla, Amla, Aamalaki, Aamro
GujaratAavla, Aamlam, Aamli
PunjabAamla, Ambalo, Ambul
AssamAmlaki, Amla, Amlokhi, Amlok
MarathiAouli, Avalkati, Avil, Avla
UrduAamla, Amal khushk
IndonesiaAmla, Amloko

Used Part of Amalaki

The used part of Amalaki is the fruit pulp.

Rasa (taste) of Amalaki

Amalaki has 5 tastes, they are:

  • Amla (sour)
  • Madhura (sweet)
  • Kaṭu (pungent)
  • Tikta (bitter)
  • Kaṣaya (astringent)

Guna (properties) of Amalaki

The gunas of Amalaki are:

  • Laghu (light)
  • Rukṣa (dry)

Vīrya (Potency)

Amalaki has potency as Śīta (cooling) in action.

Vipāka (metabolic effect)

Amalaki has metabolic effect as Madhura (sweet) in the body.

Gana (group)

Amalaki under the group of:

  • Panca Kaṣaya
  • Triphala
  • Mustadi gaṇa
  • Paruṣakadi gaṇa
  • Amla skandha
  • Nikumbhadi gaṇa

Action of Amalaki

Amalaki has some action, they are:

  • Rasayana (rejuvenating)
  • Vajikarana (aphrodiasiac)
  • Cakṣusya (eye tonic)
  • Vayasthapana (youth preserving)

Usage of Amalaki

Amalaki give benefit in:

  • Raktapitta (bleeding)
  • Amlapitta (gastritis)
  • Prameha (diabetes)
  • Daha (burning sensation)
  • Netra roga (eye disease)
  • Kusṭha (skin disease)
  • Arśa (hemorrhoids)
  • Rajayakṣma (Phthisis)
  • Pradara (leukoderma)
  • Mutra krcchra (dysuria)

Effect to the Body

The effects of Amalaki to the body is decrease vāta, pitta, kapha.

Chemical Contents of Amalaki

The chemical contents of Amalaki are:

  • Vitamin C
  • Carotene
  • Nicotinic acid
  • Myoinositol
  • Riboflavin
  • Fatty acids
  • Phyllembin
  • Phyllemblic acid
  • Mucic acid
  • Embicol
  • D-mannosyl
  • D-glucosyl
  • D-galactosyl residues
  • Embicol
  • L-rhamnosyl
  • D-xylosyl
  • D-arabinosyl
  • Pectin
  • D-fructose
  • D-glucose
  • Leucodelphinidin
  • Procyanidin
  • 3-O-gallated prodelphinidin
  • Tannin (in bark)
  • Ellagic acid
  • Lupeol
  • Oleanolic aldehyde
  • O-acetyl oleanolic acid

Distribution of Amalaki

The spread of Amalaki distributed in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and other tropical country.


  • Size: Up to 8-18 meters height.
  • Leaves: Simple, light green, subsessile, resembling pinnate leaves.
  • Flowers: Small, greenish-yellow.
  • Fruits: Round, nearly spherical, light greenish yellow, smooth, shining, presence of vertical stripes.
  • Seeds: Trigonous.
  • Tree Bark: Brown in colour.


Amalaki used in various Ayurveda medicine preparations, such as:

  • Amalaki churna
  • Triphala churna
  • Baladya grita
  • Amalaki avaleha
  • Etc.

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